Monday, May 17, 2010

Decreasing My Family's Carbon Footprint!

After calculating my family's carbon footprint I realized that we have to change the way we depend on oil because we are facing a lot of problems with the oil shortage. I was surprise when I also the average my family and me use oil. Now that things are stabilize we should start thinking on how we are going to change the way we live and how we are going to depend less on oil. My family and I are planning a solution to use less oil. To decrease my family's carbon footprint we are going to start recycling everything that can be recycle such as cans, plastic bottles, glass, cloth bags, etc. and we are also going to safe more energy by unplugging any electronics that we are not using. In my house we use a lot of energy day and night so from now and on we are going to use the energy when we really need it. When I was calculating my family's footprint I was also thinking about other families because I know that there are other families that are unaware of their carbon footprints and the oil shortage that we are going through. I want to motivate other people to be less dependent on oil because we all live in the same world and we have to try to make it a better and safer place to live. To inform the people why we should act now we are going to spread the word on how and we should be less dependent on oil. We are going to create a list of some alternatives to oil such as, ride a bike instead of a car, share car rides or more public transportation, use canvas bags for shopping (less plastic bags) write to the government representatives about depending less on oil, shop locally, buy more efficient items and many more. The list will also include the consequences of heavy uses of oil. Some governmental changes are that the government should focus on the oil situation because we cannot afford another oil crisis. My family and I will resist on slipping back into our old habits by making sure that we are always thinking about our world and how it is been affected by the oil crisis. We are going to have a copy of our list tape in the refrigerator so we could always see it, that's going to remind us everyday that we have to depend less on oil. It might be hard to get use to it but we have to try to make things work.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tragedy In Golf Of Mexico

Today I had a meeting with the Oil Co. We were discussing on how much we had to pay for the oil spill that took place in the Gulf Of Mexico. It was an accident when the oil spill happened. We were also discussing that because of the 1989 law companies have to be responsible during an oil crisis. We have to pay the clean up costs and a $75 million limit on other kinds of damages. We also have to limit the lost wages and economic suffering in the oil spill. We have now a bigger problem because the Democratic Senators wants the companies to be responsible and not the tax payers. They want to raise the money from $75 million to $10 billion. This will affect our company because we have to pay all the damages from the oil spill. If we don't fix this problem quickly the company and people around the Gulf Of Mexico are going to suffer the consequences. There was 2.6 million gallons that were spilled on the Gulf Of Mexico and 11 million during the Exxon Valdez. As been one of the executives of the Oil Co. I feel overwhelmed because the oil spill has affected us in different ways; economically, socially, politically and environmentally. Shipping can be limited now because of the oil spill, that's less money for the companies and now we are going to have more trouble to pay for the damages because we are not going to have enough money coming in and out of the company. Restaurants are also going to lose money because not a lot of shrimps, fish, etc. are been distributed to their businesses because they have been contaminated with oil. We are also facing stress because now there are not going to trust our company. Our environment is affected the most right now because there are going to be animals dead because the oil is harming our ecosystem. There were 6,800 square miles of federal fishing areas that were closed.We have to fix the problem of the oil spill and pay for the damages before it's too late.


Food Prices Going Up!


Every Friday my family and I have a movie night. First we have dinner and then we see the movie. I checked my refrigerator and I saw that I was missing some things that I need it for tonight's dinner. So I decided to go to walking to the mini market that is down my block. I was looking fir fish, lettuce, tomatoes, popcorns and fruits. I was shocked because the business owner was closing the mini market. I asked the owner that why was he closing his business, he told me that the business went bankrupt. I was so mad because now I have to drive 2 miles to go to the nearest market. When I went in the market everything was expensive so I went to go look for another market. On my way to the other market I was hoping the the prices were low. Once I was there I was looking around for everything that I need it and the prices were expensive too. I decided to take everything no matter the price because my family deserves a movie night. When I pay my groceries I got my bill and I notice that I wasted a lot of money for a little bit of things. Before when i used to go get my market I never wasted it more than $100 and today I waster more than $100. When I went back to the house I talk to my family and I told them that everything was expensive, that there were a lot of markets closed and that we were going to have movie night every two week now because of this situation. I heard in the news that there were a lot of markets closing because there were not enough buyers. More people were going to be unemployed and most prices of groceries were going to go up because of oil shortage. In the news they also said that we depend on oil a lot of many people are not prepare of we run out of oil.